Payday loans might provide you with due financial assistance in times of dire needs, but it should be remembered that as a borrower you need to behave responsibly while dealing with them. Knowing about both their merits and demerits would help you duly in this regard. It is a well-known fact that short term financing indeed turns out to be very helpful in times of financial urgencies. It can be availed even when borrowers do not have good credit scores. Moreover, once you apply for short term financing, the money is credited to your account within 24 hours of approval. However, most of the borrowers fail to realize one of the most notable flaws of this type of financing. Continue reading
Category Archives: Payday Loans
Credit Unions helping Payday Loans Debt trapped UK Households
(NewTown, Mid Wales UK) – The critics of payday loans industry are calling for an immediate change in the regulation that will help the inveigle borrowers to come out from some complex debt cycle that include targeted help for exposed customers, improved rules and for better financial tutelage. Everyone is familiar with this fact that the payday lending industry is getting highly criticized due to their irresponsible lending, very high interest rates and excessive fees against their loan program and not only this, there are several companies that are occasionally doing fraud with the customers as well. This is actually poisoning the Loan industry and its reputation. Continue reading
Lending Options You Should Know All About
No matter how good you are in financial management and try to spend on only urgent matters, there might be several situations when your savings cannot be enough to resolve the issue. Then you need to borrow in such case. For example: You are fixing your car, repairing home or need to pay to hospital for medical attentions etc. such situations mostly demand more credit. Continue reading
Richard Cordray Confirmed as Director of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Today, Richard Cordray has been confirmed as a Director of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The President Barack Obama thanked and welcomed the decision of lawmakers of both parties for selecting Richard Cordray. As you know, The CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) is specially established to make sure that all USA consumers will be treated well in the financial market place such as when they apply for bank loan, credit card, home loan, student loan etc. Continue reading